Receiver in the Canals now account for over 62% of all hearing aid sales.
The benefits of bettering hearing outweigh the issues with these type of hearing aids need to be aware of what you are getting into.
Here are the Top 3 Issues with with Receiver in the Canal Hearing Aids:
1. The cost of repair. First, the Receiver in the Canal hearing aid is composed of two parts. A. the part behind the ear that houses the computer and microphone and B. the Receiver Unit which is the wire going from behind the ear into your ear canal. The trouble could be either Unit. If your hearing aid dies and its not the battery or wax guards, If its behind the ear, the entire circuit could be bad..... and you may need a new hearing aid. Or it could be the microphone - this possibly could be replaced but many of the new Receiver in the Canals now have the microphone on the same flex strip as the computer circuit which also means you need a new hearing aid. The receiver unit is the part that goes from behind the ear, into the ear....and....takes a beating. I have seen them go out after one year. The receiver end is vulnerable to moisture and wax just like an in-the-ear hearing aid. New Receiver units cost between $200 and up to $500 to replace.
2. Wax build-up. With the Receiver in the Ear Hearing Aid...these now have the same exact issues that In-the-EAR hearing aids do. The receiver is in the ear canal. You create wax so the wax guard will get clogged up and stop the hearing aid dead in its tracks. Thankfully wax guards are replaceable.
Here's an image of Receiver in the Canals changing out the wax filter. If you create lot of ear wax. Its a good idea to make replacing your wax filters a weekly habit. Wax Guards, filters cost $10 to $30
3. Feedback management. When you put the receiver in the ear - you just increased the chance for feedback. That means more squealing. That is when sound leaving the receiver finds its way back to the microphone. Squealing could be caused by Combing your hair or get your hand close to the hearing aid or if you put your head close to a wall or seat-belt or couch/lazy-boy, its going to squeal.
Receiver in the Canals are small and lightweight and very clear sounding....But with this newer technology, Receiver in the Canals are without a doubt the most expensive hearing aid to own. Receiver in the canal hearing aids prices can range from $1400 to $3000 per aid
One more small issue with Receiver in the Canals - Because they are so small and lightweight it can take some time for the user to realize that the hearing aid is missing.
Make sure you get Loss and Damage Insurance on your hearing aids.