Protecting your hearing aid from wax and moisture is very important. It is the only way to guarantee that you enjoy them for a long time. This I why wax guards are important accessories to invest in.


What are wax guards?

Wax guards are specially designed tiny plastics that are intended to keep hearing aids receivers safe from getting damaged by wax. There are also advanced wax guards that can protect your hearing aids from moisture and debris.
Wax and moisture are the two major reasons why your hearing aids get damaged fast. Accumulation of wax and moisture in your hearing aid will lead to a short lifespan. Hearing aid users are aware that the cost of fixing a broken hearing aid is far much expensive. It is, therefore, more important to protect your hearing aids as much as possible.
Hearing aids are big investments and therefore, they need to be treated with care. It is, therefore, important that ensure they are cleaned and dried at all times. Changing the wax guards is also important to ensure that your hearing aids keep working to optimal standards.
Daily use of the hearing aid can cause moisture and wax to continue to build up inside the tube of your hearing aid. Once this happens, the hearing aid begins to perform. This means that the hearing is partially/completely blocked off in the particular ear.
For those who use the ITE hearing aids, wax guards are very important. They will help to keep out wax and prevent your hearing aid from getting damaged. There are a variety of wax guars to choose from.
When it comes to ear wax production, this can vary from one individual to another. Therefore, it is important to constantly check the wax guards (daily if possible). Ensure you change wax guards at the right time. It is recommended that you change once the earwax is visible on the tip of the wax guard. This means that some people can go for a month without the need to change the wax guard. Other people can just go for a couple of days and a change will be required.  Don’t allow the sound from your hearing aid to go completely deem before talking of changing the wax guard. It is therefore recommended that you change the wax guard once every month. This will ensure you enjoy the best performance.
Some people complain that their wax guard gets filled up too quickly. In some cases, they have to change the wax guard daily. If you notice this kind of situation, then you should consult your doctor. This might be an indication of other health conditions the doctor might need to treat.
Using a wax guard does not mean you should ignore daily cleaning and maintenance of your hearing aids. Adhere to the recommended cleaning methods at home once a day. Also, book an appointment with your audiologist for the proper cleaning of your hearing aids.

Why are wax guards important?

Wax guards have become an essential part of the hearing aids lately. With the advent of the different types of hearing aids, there are fewer incidents of damaged hearing aids. This has also reduced the number of people running to the repair shops for repair. This means that the number of hearing aids damaged by was accumulation and moisture has drastically reduced.
An estimated 50 percent of hearing aids that go to the repair shops daily is a result of hearing ax clog. Using the wax guard and changing when required can save you the stress of visiting the audiologist frequently.
Different Types of Wax Guards
When it comes to the design of the hearing aid wax guard, two major design formats can be noticed. While some wax guards utilize the changing tool which is a straight holder with two sides for removing and replacing the used filter others utilize the round design with a port for removing and another for replacing the wax guard filter. The design is dependent on the manufacturers.
There are a lot of manufacturers who produce different kinds of wax guards. Depending on the type of hearing aid you use, the wax guard that is required is different. In order words, a wax guard that is suitable for one device may not be compatible with other designs. Below are the types of wax trap available according to hearing aids manufacturers.

Hearing aid manufacturers and their hearing aids

    • Unitron Cerustop

    • Beltone—Waxguard C Grid, HF 4 Pro Red/Blue, Waxguard Mini RIC

    • Bernafon— Waxguard Prowax Minifit and Waxguard Prowax Turtle

    • EargoHF 5 Pro Red/Blue

    • GN Resound Waxguard Cerustop

    • Oticon—Waxguard Prowax Minifit and Waxguard Prowax Turtle

    • Phonak—Cerustop and CeruShield TM Disk

    • Signia (Siemens)–Waxguard C Grid, HF 4 Pro Red/Blue, Waxguard Mini RIC

    • Starkey—HearClear Wax Guard

Phonak CeruSTOP™ wax guard for Widex hearing aids

The CeruSTOPTM wax guard consists of a holder, a removal hook and a wax guard. On one end of the holder is a tiny hook that is used to remove the used wax guard. On the other end of the holder is mounted on the bottom end of the holder.
The CeruSTOPTM wax guard comes in a carrying case of eight sticks. They are designed for convenience and easy use. In most cases, your Phonak hearing aids come equipped with The CeruSTOPTM wax guards.

How to remove and replace The CeruSTOPTM  wax guard

Changing your CeruSTOPTM wax guard involves some important steps. It involves a few easy steps. First, take out your hearing aid and wipe out any visible wax from the hearing aid. Take out the holder and using the side with the hook, insert it into the used hearing wax guard. Do this gently and ensure the shaft of the holder is touching the edge of the wax guard. Gently pull it out. ensure you pull straight out. avoid twisting or prying the wax guard when pulling it out from the bushing.
Once you have pulled out the used hearing wax guard, turn the holder over to the other end holding the new wax guard. When inserting the new wax guard, the same level of precaution is required. Push the wax guard gently straight into the opening of the receiver. Do not apply too much force when inserting the wax guard to avoid causing damage to your device. When you insert, ensure that the outer ring of the wax guard is well positioned on the opening of the hearing aid receiver. Once inserted, pull the holder gently out in a straight motion. As usual, avoid twisting or prying the wax guard holder when pulling it out. the new wax guard if properly inserted will remain in place while the holder pulls apart.
After successfully inserting the new wax guard, discard the holder with the used wax guard properly. Do not reuse a wax guard. It is important to check the wax guard after insertion. If it fits loosely, removes and discard and insert a new one.
In case your wax guard falls into the ear, it is important to visit a doctor immediately. Do not attempt a home remedy on your own.

Phonak CeruShield Disk

The Phonk CeruShield Disk is the more current design of the wax guard. It is much easier to use than the previous wax guard.
The CeruShield Disk is designed in disk form and consists of 8 CeruShield filters. There are also 8 different disposal positions to make changing easy.
When it comes to wax related issues, the CeruShield filter is designed to protect the hearer for a longer time. They are designed for use with the SDS 4.0 receiver.
The CeruShield filter is designed for longer wear before a change is required. The CeruShield disk is designed for easy handling and maintenance cost is also easy.
CeruShield filters are designed to fit with custom earpieces and also offer double wax protection.

How to Use the Use the Cerushield Disk

Step 1: Turn the cover of the CeruShield disk till an empty spot shows under the delete icon and a new filter can be seen under the number 2.
Step 2: to remove the filter from the receiver, put the receiver opening facing the delete icon of the disc facing downward.
Step 3: press the receiver hard until you hear a tiny click sound. Lift the receiver straight. You should see the used wax guard inside the CeruShield Disk.
Step 4: To replace the wax guard turn the disc cover until a new wax guard can be seen in the number 2. Repeat the process you did when removing the used wax guard. Place the receiver opening facing the number 2.
Step 5: press the receiver firmly until you feel the click sound again.
Step 6: the new CeruShield filter will be well-positioned in the hearing aid by now. You can now remove it. The hearing aid is now ready to use.

HearClear Wax Guard

Hear clear wax guards are designed for the Starkey hearing aid brands. They consist of disposable wax guards that are designed to keep earwax out of your hearing aid. Hear Clear wax guards are designed to be used with application sticks.
Before you use, note that this device is designed for use with only the Starkey brand. It is not compatible for use with other hearing aid brands.
This hearing aid wax guard is beautifully designed and they come in packs of 8 and 48. Therefore, depending on your budget, you can enjoy the privileges of buying the same product according to the strength of your pocket.

How to remove and replace HearClear Wax Guards

There are two ends to the hearing aid application stick. One is used for pulling out the used wax guard while the other is used for replacing a new one.
The empty end of the application stick is used for pulling out used wax guards. Insert it into the used HearClear wax guard. Ensure you maintain a straight motion and do the insertion very gently. Do not twist the application stick when inserting it in—there is no need for that.
Once the application stick is properly inserted, there next thing to do is pull gently. As soon as it is out, flip the applicator stick to the opposite side. This end contains a new wax guard for your hearing aid. Push this wax guard gently into the hole of your hearing aid.
Ensure that the wax guard is properly fitted before pulling out your applicator stick. Your hearing aid is once more safe to use. Once every day, ensure to examine your wax guard holders in case of any wax and debris and replace them when the need arises.

   HF 5 Pro Red/Blue Wax Guard

This wax guard is the updated version of the HF 4 and HF 3. The HF 5 is specially designed for the Eargo hearing aids. The HF 5 is designed for better fitting and comfort with the hearing aid.
They are very reliable when it comes to keeping out earwax and debris from your hearing aid. Like other wax guards, they are inserted at the tip of the hearing aid for long-lasting protection.
There are some crucial benefits associated with using this hearing aid wax guard. These includes:

    • They are very easy to use

    • They offer good value for your money

    • They are healthy

    • They are maintenance-free devices

    • Designed to ensure that sound remains accurate and undistorted

    • In case a muffling sound is heard, it is an indication that a change is required.

The HF 5 comes in a round-shaped dispenser of 14 blue and red wax guards. The colors are used to differentiate between the left and the right hearing aids. The integrated changing tools make it easy to change the wax guards at any time.

Removing and Replacing the used Wax Guard

Removing and replacing the used wax guard can be done in the following steps using the changing tool:
Step 1: the changing tool that comes with the filter has a threaded side which is used for removing the used filter. Insert it into the used wax guard in your hearing aid and screw gently for up to 1 mm. stop as soon as you notice a resistance. Pull the changing tool out vertically to extract the used wax guard.
Step 2: getting rid of the used wax guard filter. Take your changing tool that has the used wax guard filter on it and insert it into the center of the dispenser. Push your changing tool sideways to the end of the slot then pull out your changing tool vertically. This will get rid of the used wax guard filer from the changing tool.
Step 3: rotate the adjustable wheel of the wax guard until you have an open chamber. Flip the changing tool over to the edgy side and push it into the wax guard filter. You should feel a clipping sound. Pull the changing tool out vertically, the new wax guard filter should be attached to it.
Step 4: Push the new wax guard into the opening of the hearing aid. Ensure it sits properly in the chamber. Bend the changing tool to one side to release the wax guard.
Step 5: return the changing tool to its original position and your device is ready for use.

Oticon Wax Guards

There are a variety of Oticon wax guards that are available in the market. They are specially designed for the Oticon range of hearing aids (ITE and RITE hearing aids). Both kinds of hearing aids have a lot of similarities. The Oticon wax guard features the round shape for most of the cases.

How to remove and replace the Oticon wax guards

Step 1: Take your Oticon wax guard and take out the tool from the shell. The tool consists of a semicircular tool with two pins at the end. On one side is an empty pin for removing used hearing wax guard while the other contains a new hearing aid wax guard.
Step 2: Insert the empty side of the pin into the used hearing aid wax guard and pull it out vertically. Once the old wax guard is out, turn the other end and insert the new wax guard into the hearing aid receiver. Roll it to help the wax guard come off. Once the new wax guard is in place, your hearing aid is good to use. Discard the replacement tool properly.
Comparing Between the Two Major Designs of the hearing aid wax guard
It is important to note that while one type of hearing aid wax guard may be more convenient to use than the other. However, they both serve the same purpose of ensuring that your hearing device does not get destroyed by wax and moisture.

Is it easier to use the conventional design or the round design?

There are quite many reasons while some people will want to choose the round hearing aids over the conventional. It is, therefore, important to compare both kinds of hearing aid wax guard for a better understanding of how each works.

Conventional design of the wax guard The round design of the wax guard
Consists of a handle with two sides, one for removing the used hearing wax guard while the other for replacing it with a new one. Consists of round design and a rotating top and two holes, one for removing the used hearing wax guard and the other containing the new ones for replacement
Removal and replacement of used up hearing aid wax guard is done manually and requires a lot of precision and understanding. Removal and replacement are semi-automatic and required only understanding of how the process works to replaced used up wax guards.
The new wax guard can easily get damaged if not replaced with care. The rate of damage is usually very low since the individual is not required to do very much but just a little.
Sometimes, the number of sticks is limited to 8 or even less which can go for only 8 weeks or less. As much as 14 wax guards are contained in a single disk of hearing aid guard wax. This means you have more time to use your wax guard before purchasing a new pack.

How to use wax guards
In most cases when you purchase your first hearing aid, it may likely come with a wax guard at the tip. now what if it gets muddy with wax, what is the next solution?  Wax guards are designed for temporal use. Therefore, they are to be discarded once they get dirty. The best way to determine whether a wax guard is due for change is by watching out for the visible presence of wax on the filter.
Once the wax is visible, it is advisable to get rid of the wax guard and replace it with a new one. Most hearing wax guards are also accompanied with a manual on how to replace used up wax guards with new ones. It is important to always check with your hearing aid professional before purchasing a wax guard. They are in the best position to guide you with the right wax guard for your device.
If you already have some pre-existing health conditions such as a hole in the ear tube or you use gel, it is advisable to inform your hearing aid professional. Such conditions may not permit you to use the wax guard.
Like we mentioned earlier, it is important to note that even with the wax guard, the hearing aid still requires regular cleaning. Therefore, investing in the right cleaning tools for your hearing aid is very important.
Finding the right cleaning kits may be a bit difficult. This is why it is important to also talk to your hearing aid professional to guide you with purchasing the right tools.