Inexpensive Hearing Aids – Are They Good Quality?
More than 48 million Americans struggle with one form of hearing loss or another, and the vast majority of this number of individuals are older adults. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders have stated that virtually one-third of people with ages ranging from 65 to 74 have reported having problems with their hearing. Many person sought to go for hearing aids but one problem has been the high cost of hearing aids but the good news is you can now get inexpensive hearing aids to aid your hearing.
However, some person tend to ask if inexpensive hearing aids are of good quality? The answer is a perfect yes. However, not all cheap hearing aids out there are of good quality but companies like Century Hearing Aids offers the best quality hearing aids at affordable rates.
Studies have revealed that this hugely under-treated health problem of loss of hearing in the United States poses a significant health concern to the majority of the millions being affected. It has also been linked to other chronic health problems which include:

  • Depression

  • Dementia

  • A decline in concentration and memory

Information about Hearing Loss
The most predominant type of hearing loss is known as sensorineural, and it usually develops from the damage that occurs to the tiny hair cells lining the inner ear. These cells are responsible for receiving inbound sound waves and converting them into electric signals which are then transmitted to the human brain. The brain is the powerhouse that interprets these signals as expressive or meaningful sounds.
Chronic exposure to deafening noises as well as aging is the most common cause of damage to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear. However, a family history of hearing loss issues, illnesses, and specific medications can also increase or instigate the problem.
A sensorineural hearing loss is most often not reversible and can only be managed by the use of hearing aids. These hearing aids typically amplify sounds, making you hear noises or sounds and be able to interpret them accordingly. At times, hearing loss may occur in only one ear: in this instance, you can manage this ailment by the use of cochlear implants. This implantation is capable of stimulating the auditory nerve electronically by circumventing the damaged area of the hearing system and connecting to the brain.
Another common cause of hearing loss is known as a conductive hearing loss which occurs because of a malformation or physical blockage in the outer or middle ear. Fluid buildup in the middle ear – which could arise as a result of an infection – compressed earwax and specific disorders can also prevent sound from reaching your inner ear and consequently your brain.
Therefore, in such instances, treating infections in your middle ear, getting rid of the buildup of earwax and having corrective surgery performed – in case of ear malfunctions – can restore hearing. Older adults usually suffer from a mix of both types of hearing loss. A combination of the buildup of wax in the middle ear and age-related hearing loss can lead to the interference of the conduction of sounds to the inner ear. But if all these solutions do not solve the problem, then you need to start using hearing aids.
Understanding Hearing Aids
Hearing aids come with an embedded microphone and an amplifier. The microphone picks up sound while the amplifier magnifies the sound. Modern digital aids consist of microphones that transmit sounds to a computer chip. This chip then adjusts the volume and increases the sound frequencies required to improve hearing.
Getting the right inexpensive hearing aids for you depends on a lot of factors and includes:

  • The severity and type of your hearing loss

  • Your manual acuity

  • Your lifestyle

Nevertheless, the hearing aids that work for one person may not work for another even if both individuals have nearly identical audiograms (An audiogram is a chart that displays the degree of loss of hearing for differently pitched sounds).
Hearing Aids: What to Look For
The following are some of the features you should look out for when you want to buy hearing aids of excellent quality:
Audio format – You can go for either digital hearing aids or its analog counterpart. The latter creates a natural listening environment compared to the former. But if you have an age-related hearing loss, the analog hearing aid may not be of help to you. The digital version does a better job of receiving, analyzing, and amplifying sounds after filtering out background noises.
Telecoil – This is a copper coil that is built into a hearing aid to make talking on the phone easier. It is a standard feature in hearing aids and works to eliminate background noises while picking up sounds from the receiver of a telephone only. Advanced hearing aids can switch to telecoil mode as soon as you pick up a phone while another version transmits signals to the other ear. This will enable you to talk using only one hearing aid but hear sounds from the telephone receiver with both ears.
Size and type – This depends on the severity and nature of your hearing loss. Age-related hearing loss can be enhanced with the use of in-the-ear-canal aid. More severe or profound hearing loss require more amplification, and you may need to make use of the receiver-in-the-air and behind-the-ear hearing aid models for you to enjoy using your hearing device.
Other features
Whenever you want to purchase hearing aids, the following are part of what you should take into consideration include:

  • Using hearing aids with directional microphones – These help you to pick up noise or sounds, especially in a social environment with lots of background commotion or din.

  • IP rating – The IP – ingress protection – indicates the level to which the hearing aid is protected against water or dust.

  • Costs – Some hearing aids are very expensive and far beyond the budget of most people. However, being ‘expensive’ doesn’t always equate to high quality. You can find lots of inexpensive hearing aids on the market today that work as well as their high-priced counterparts.

You do not need to break the bank to purchase a hearing aid, although you may have heard that cheap hearing aids are no good.
However, Century Hearing Aids offers top quality inexpensive hearing aids that fit your budget.