Hearing Aids Walmart vs Century Hearing Aids Walmart stores local stores that is... do not selling hearing aids. However they do sell hearing aids online and the do offer in store pick up. This makes Walmart a pure online or by mail hearing aid seller. That means no face to face test drives of the hearing aids. You order them online. You have them shipped to your house, or you pick them up at a local Walmart Store. Sam's Club is an entirely different story. Sams Clubs sells hearing aids much that same way costco does. They have a dispenser near the exit entrance. The hearing aids sold at Sams Club are manufactuered by a company called Liberty hearing. The hearing aids prices sold at Sams Club range from $1500 to $4000. But we are not here to talk about the hearing aids sold at Sams Club we are here to review hearing aids sold at Walmart.
Hearing Aids sold at Walmart offer two types: the Open Fit Mini Behind the Ear and the Ready to Wear In the Canal hearing aids. These hearing aids are made by a company called General Hearing Instruments based in Kenner, Louisiana.
Prices for the IN the Ear Hearing Aid range from: $298 for each or $595 a pair for the Simplysoft or $348 each or $698 a pair for the Simplysoft Smart touch
Prices for the Open Fit Mini Behind the Ear hearing aids range from: $379 to $399 each or $749 a pair for the Simplicity Smart Touch to $417 to $479 or $948 a pair for the $948 a pair for the Simplicity Hi Fi
The Mfg, through Walmart offers a 90 day money back guarantee
The Open Fits offer 4 different colors, Beige, Grey, Brown, Black
All the In the Ear and Open Fits sold through Walmart.com use a size #10 hearing aid battery
The Warrranty offers 1 year coverage parts and labor with a $51 price to add a three year plan.
Sounds like a pretty good deal