Hearing Aid Benefits... According to the Mayo Clinic, an estimated one-quarter of Americans between the ages of 65 and 75 and almost three-quarters of those over 75 have some degree of hearing loss.According to Hearing Aid Industry Sources (and these are their words) "only about 20% ever purchase a device to help restore their hearing abilities. This is not because of denial or lack of money as you might assume, but rather due to misinformation from their doctors and a general lack of understanding from the medical community". My opinion, being in the business of hearing aids, is a little different. The people that call me say the #1 reason is....price. 99.9% of the hearing aid customers have no idea that one of the most serious consequences of losing our hearing is that we can lose our ability to process sounds into words,' said a hearing aid specialist, 'Usually the more prolonged and the more severe the hearing loss, the worse the ability of processing and understanding words becomes.
As a result, anyone who purchases a hearing aid after waiting too long to address their hearing loss won't get the help they expect. Many patients who have purchased hearing aids only to discover their brain has already lost the ability to form words out of incoming sound.
Research shows that the ability to distinguish what we hear deteriorates more rapidly as we age and if the hearing is not continuously stimulated. Not wearing hearing aids will not cause your hearing to become worse, but it may make it more difficult to benefit from hearing aids later on.
How do you know you will benefit from hearing aids?

  • Your family and friends have to repeat what they say--on a regular basis.

  • You get frustrated from not understanding what others are saying.

  • You have to turn the television up so high it disturbs the rest of your family.

  • You have trouble hearing or understanding what was said when there is lots of background noise.

  • Your family members are constantly say that you are hard of hearing--and you should get your ears checked.

  • You miss hear parts of a telephone conversation.

  • You actually go out of your way to avoid going to places where its noisy.

  • You have a mother or father that you know is losing their hearing.

Why should you try hearing aids?

  • New hearing aid technologies provide benefits like never before.

  • Your hearing loss is more noticeable than hearing aids will ever be.

  • Conversations will be less stressful by not having to ask others to repeat themselves as much.

  • Television volumes set at levels comfortable to others.

  • Conversation on the phone made easier

  • Enjoy the theater, church services, shopping, and being with family and friends with the confidence of being able to hear and communicate in many different situations.

  • Hear the pleasant sounds of nature: water falls, birds and leaves rustling in the park or even the pleasant sound of a cat purring.

Are there limitations with hearing aids?

  • Hearing aids do NOT restore normal hearing. In contrast, eyeglasses can restore 20/20 vision.

  • Hearing aids amplify all sounds, including background noise that you do not wish to hear.

  • Hearing aids may require an adjustment period that may take several months.

  • When you begin to use hearing aids, many sounds, including your own voice, might seem too loud.

  • You will need to learn how to adjust the settings for hearing aids with more complicated technology.