Century Hearing Aids

Offering the Newest Hearing Aids RIC or Receiver in the Canal Digital Hearing Aids

and a “Do-It-Your-Self” Programming System

Tucson, Arizona, Sept 25, 2013: You can program the newest hearing aid technology from home! Century Hearing Aids, a leading online supplier of digital hearing aids, offers Receiver in the Canals, the newest hearing aid technology. And, for first time ever, Century Hearing Aids now offers the ability to program hearing aids at home with a Personal Programming System using the sametechnology hearing aid industry professionals use for programming.

Historically, hearing aid programming hardware and software has been available only to hearing industry professionals. Today’s smart phone and personal computer users are motivated by the "Do-It-Yourself" movement. Our Personal Programming System enables customers to micro tune their hearing aids from the comfort of their homes.
Century Hearing Aids' Receiver in the Canal is cutting-edge hearing aid technology and offers an ideal blend of small size and powerful performance. Because the receiver is in the ear canal, this provides a natural listening experience without the clutter of background noise. The Personal Programming System software is as simple to operate as the graphic equalizer on a home stereo system and is compatible with most Microsoft operating systems. However, for those needing guidance, with a phone call, our coaching staff is available to provide our exclusive"Remote Programming Support".

Proper programming adjustments are the biggest obstacle to hearing aid consumer satisfaction, often requiring multiple time consuming trips to the hearing aid dispenser’s office.
Century Hearing Aids allows customers to take control of their own hearing adjustments, never leaving the comfort of home.
One (1) Receiver in the Canal hearings aid and the Personal Programming System is $1248 including all hardware, software and exclusive “Remote Programming Support.”

Century Hearing Aids

Offering Digital Hearing Aids.

Easy to Purchase, Easy to Adjust, Easy to Wear.

Always Affordable.

Call, email or visit our website today!

Jon Stoddard, Owner 888-295-2944

