Big six account for 98% of the market
According to the data collected by Bernstein, the so-called “big six” hearing aid manufacturers richly deserve the term, since among them they accounted for 98% of the world market last year.
10.8 million hearing aids were sold in 2012, for a total wholesale value of $5.4 billion. Forty-five percent of the hearing aids were sold in Europe, 29% in North America, and 26% in the rest of the world.
For 2012, the research firm estimated the following market shares in terms of unit sales:
1) Sonova (owner of Phonak et al.): 24%
2) William Demant (owner of Oticon et al.): 23%
3) Siemens: 17%
4) GN Store Nord (owner of GN ReSound, et al.): 16%
5) Starkey Technologies: 9%
6) Widex: 9%