Hearing Aid Ear Wax Whats it good for... What is this little ugly substance...called hearing aid ear wax?
Earwax, also known by the medical term cerumen, is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, serves as a self-cleaning agent with protective, lubricating, and antibacterial properties. Without earwax, you may result in dry, itchy ears. So its natural, everyone creates it, for some folks much much more, for other folks less....male or female...its natural, everyone creates it and yes you need it.
How do you clean your ears and then hearing aids from ear wax - and should you?
Most Doctors will tell you that the ear canals should never have to be cleaned and that they should only be cleaned when enough earwax accumulates to cause symptoms such as:

  • Earache, fullness in the ear, or a sensation the ear is plugged

  • Partial hearing loss, which may be progressive

  • Tinnitus, ringing, or noises in the ear

  • Itching, odor, or discharge

  • Coughing

What is our opinion on cleaning your ears - We are not going to give ear wax cleaning suggestions, like using Qtips, that usually just pushes the wax deeper into the ear canal, causing more severe blockage. And we will not want to suggest pouring any type of of fluid in your ears. If you have excessive ear wax, and you are experiencing any of the symptoms from the bullet points above....then you should consider seeing your doctor every 6 to 12 months for a checkup and routine preventive cleaning.
If you wear hearing aids - that is what this article is about - Hearing Aid Ear wax can stop a hearing dead in its tracks. But thankfully, its just temporary. All hearing manufacturers have created tools to accommodate for hearing aid ear wax. It is estimated that hearing aid ear wax causes 60–80% of hearing aid breakdowns. A very large percentage of our hearing aid repair business sees ear wax compaction issues all the time. To Prevent spending money on Major Hearing Aid Ear Wax issues - Its time to keep your hearing aid clean. Below are the instructions on how to clean your Open Fit hearing Aids and an In the Ear Hearing Aids.
Did you know?

  • In medieval times, earwax and other substances such as urine were used to prepare pigments used by scribes to illustrate illuminated manuscripts.

  • The 1832 edition of the American Frugal Housewife said that "nothing was better than earwax to prevent the painful effects resulting from a wound by a nail skewer"; and also recommended earwax as a remedy for cracked lips.

    • Many sources consider earwax to be one of the first lip balms.

  • Before waxed thread was commonly available seamstresses would use their own earwax to stop the cut ends of threads from fraying.